Safety and reliability
are our priority.
Easy program, Easy operation, user-friendly product is our answer
Complication not needed.
Such product can be flexibly suit with any application of RC Models.

Newly joined engineers developing new projects with former
JR PROPO engineers,
making new development team to accomplish our future goals.
High expertise joining with new ideas to create new features.

The expert service staff provides excellent repair or corresponds to the special personal customization.
Do not hesitate to ask for special request, We will comply to your difficulties.


The History of DFA and RC Depot
RC Depot (Konishi Mokei Co., LTD), has work alongside with JR PROPO for many years. RC Depot began Dee Force Aviation (DFA) brand almost 10 years ago.
Initially, RC Depot started providing support and repair for JR PROPO products for consumers in Japan. Soon after this, RC Depot began to supply other products worldwide, and in 2016 we entered a licensed agreement with JR PROPO to manufacture JR PROPO products. This product line consisted of receivers, servos, transmitters and accessories for JR PROPO at the former JR PROPO Malaysian factory.
In early 2017 RC Depot began to develop new receivers, and servos utilizing both former JR PROPO engineers as well as new engineers in Japan.
In December of 2017, JR PROPO of Japan filed for bankruptcy, not long after, the Japanese courts from Osaka District gave an order to RC Depot not to use the brand name, JR PROPO.
Because of these events, we had decided to start using our own "DFA" label to comply with the court orders against JR PROPO brand name in March 2018.
In April 2018, RC Depot successfully purchased the JR PROPO trademarks and intellectual properties along with complete engineering drawings. RC Depot now refers to the DFA brand as “JR/DFA.”
The future is bright, and the legacy of JR PROPO endures thru DFA.

Redondo Beach, CA, U.S.A.